Resources for Supporting Neurodiverse Family and Friends
Association for Autism and Neurodiversity
AANE Mission: “ Autistic and similarly Neurodivergent people build meaningful, connected lives.”
The Arc of the United States and the Arc of North Carolina
“work through education, research and advocacy to improve the quality of life for children and adults with intellectual disability and their families”
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
provides counseling, training, education, transportation, job placement, assistive technology and other services. These services are provided to people with physical, psychiatric or intellectual disabilities to assist them with living independently and with finding a job and staying on the job.
LiNC-IT: Linking North Carolina with Innovative Talent
Employment program for individuals with ASD
Particular interest
Autism & Neurodiversity & The College Campus
A webinar from North Dakota State University’s Office of Teaching and Learning
Duke Neurodiversity Connections
Offers resources for faculty, which could also be applicable to employees at other institutions of higher education. One can especially look at the Faculty Classroom Inclusion Guide and the Faculty Tip Sheet for Assisting Students who are Neurodiverse
College students and recent graduates with disabilities. Students are matched one-on-one with mentors from Disability:IN Corporate Partners across all industries
One aim of the Neurodiversity Hub is to “Support this untapped talent to shine, through focused training programs, academic accommodations, assistive technologies and flexible study arrangements.”
Apps for Neurodivergent Students
An article that discusses apps that help individuals stay focused and on task, avoid overstimulation, and take notes
Learning Disabilities Association of America, Post Secondary Options
Tips and resources for life after high school for individuals with learning disabilities
The College Autism Network links varied stakeholders engaged in evidence-guided efforts to improve access, experiences, and outcomes for postsecondary students with autism.
The Neurodivergent Woman-A podcast aimed at amplifying neurodivergent women’s voices and share intimate stories of their lived experiences.
Tilt Parenting-A podcast for parenting differently wired children.
Learn, Play, Thrive-A podcast that explores research, amplifies autistic voices, and strives to rewrite the narrative of neurodiversity.
Uniquely Human-A podcast that continues to expand the conversation about neurodiversity.
Neurodiversity Podcast-A podcast with a variety of topics related to neurodiversity.
Two Sides of the Spectrum-A podcast from Meg Proctor that explores research, amplifies autistic voices, and changes the way we think about autism in life and in professional therapy practice. (Note: the link on this page routes to the host’s website “Learn, Play, Thrive” and podcast page, but you can find the podcast on various apps by searching for “Two Sides of the Spectrum”).
Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate: A User Guide to an Asperger Life by Cynthia Kim
Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism by Barry M. Prizant, PhD
Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman
The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds of Minds Succeed by Temple Grandin