- Identify cultural and institutional conditions that influence student academic achievement, particularly retention.
- Identify, recommend, and assess best practices.
- Communicate these strategies to the Appalachian community.
The success and persistence of our students is a campus-wide responsibility. Retention and graduation are performance indicators and an index of our effectiveness in teaching and assisting in the personal development of our students. These performance indicators are also utilized by the UNC General Administration in the new performance funding model.
Memberships and Meetings
Student Success Team meetings are held monthly.
2023-2024 Student Success Team Membership
- Richard Miles Britton, Rhetoric and Composition Program/Writing Across the Curriculum, brittonrm@appstate.edu
- Lee Cope, Student Learning Center, copeiial@appstate.edu
- Travis Erickson, University College Data Services, ericksontm@appstate.edu
- Jayne Dowdy, Office of the Registrar, dowdyj@appstate.edu
- Gail Rebeta, Office of the Registrar, rebetagm@appstate.edu
- Grace Fortune, University Recreation, fortunege@appstate.edu
- Dr. Mark Ginn, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, ginnmc@appstate.edu
- Julia Padgett, Counseling Center, padgettjg@appstate.edu
- Ken Johnson, Belk Library, johnskw@appstate.edu
- Megan Kasper, Community-Engaged Leadership, kaspermm@appstate.edu
- Jennifer Shaffer, Career Development Center, shafferjl@appstate.edu
- Clinton Marsh, Orientation, marshrc@appstate.edu
- Rick Sears, Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning, searsrm@appstate.edu
- Dr. Kim Morton, Transfer Admissions & Engagement, mortonka@appstate.edu
- Stefanie Heinrich, Cratis D. Williams School of Graduate Studies, heinrichsr@appstate.edu
- Jordan Perry, Wellness and Prevention Services, perryj2@appstate.edu
- Lamont Sellers, Intercultural Student Affairs sellersla@appstate.edu
- Tara Shumate, Office of Financial Aid, shumatetl@appstate.edu
- Beth Marsh, Murray Family ACCESS Scholarship Program, marsheg@appstate.edu
- Cathia Silver, TRIO Student Support Services, silverct@appstate.edu
- Julie Karaus, University Writing Center, karausje@appstate.edu
- Katharine Johnson, College Success Seminar, johnsonk4@appstate.edu
- Dr. Christine Leist, Hayes School of Music, leistcp@appstate.edu
- Dr. Shernita Lee, University College, leesl2@appstate.edu
- Lisa Houser, University College Academic Advising, houserln@appstate.edu
- Dr. Susan Colby, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success, colbysa@appstate.edu
- Jazmine Tero, Office of the Dean of Students, teroj@appstate.edu
- Dr. Ted Zerucha, University College, zeruchat@appstate.edu